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Can't delete (my own) photos [Solved] | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14


I cannot delete any image from my own album! I click on "Delete" in the upper right corner of the image but no effect. 

Even as admin I cannot delete any image. I tried it in different browsers - no result. Does anybody know this problem - and a solution????

Thank you in advance


The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 27 '14
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 26 '14

Its the following: I added two photos from my mobile phone to the album "Cover Images" which was created by the "Profile cover" plugin. 

These two pictures I cannot delete.

I then tried to delete the whole album with the result that the original cover image was deleted. It remains the Album with the two images that I uploaded myself. I can't get rid of them...!!!!

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 26 '14
id check if the storage folder has the right permissions 
but then if you can upload then you should be able to delete 
try doing it with debug mode on 
ross Team
ross Jun 26 '14
Most obvious reason is that there's a duplicated entry in DB, open the console in firebug and check whether your have any errors or messages while deleting those photos. 
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 27 '14

Thank you guys for your quick replies, I solved it

The Forum post is edited by Martin Philipps Jun 27 '14
ross Team
ross Jun 27 '14
Can you please tell us what it was and what you did to resolve it? For other community members. 
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jun 27 '14

As I said, it was impossible to delete any image, even though I had uploaded them myselves. But it was an album created automatically by a plugin - not created by "me"...

Renaming the Album was all that was needed :)

ross Team
ross Jun 27 '14
Thanks, I'm going to mark this post as Solved.