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Site went down with error | Forum

Drake Jul 8 '14
OK will contact Host for web and see when they can coordinate will reach back out in a bit
ross Team
ross Jul 8 '14
Ok, keep me updated. 
Drake Jul 9 '14

The IT department over at HFW would like to connect with you to get this handled across their infrastructure.  Here is their contact info:

from: HostForWeb Inc <manager@hostforweb.com>reply-to: manager@hostforweb.com

HostForWeb Inc4:07 PM (9 hours ago)to meDrake, sure, please pass our contact info. Thank you.

Max J.
HostForWeb, Inc VP.
Follow us: http://twitter.com/HostFW 

Ticket Details

ross Team
ross Jul 9 '14
Alright, I sent an e-mail. I'll get back to you asap, guys. 
Drake Jul 9 '14
Drake Jul 9 '14
Hey ross on another note,  I used softaculous to set up my oxwall sw I would like to update to 1.7 I've downloaded the update pack what next?

Drake Jul 9 '14
I'm an idiot nevermind :)
Drake Jul 9 '14
OK I'm still an idiot how do we install the update:)
ross Team
ross Jul 9 '14
Here's the tutorial: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:update Drake, please, one request per topic
Drake Jul 9 '14
will do sorry about that :(
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
Guys, we have just installed a test website on hostforweb server, php version 5.4.29 pdo module is enabled, no errors at all. Which means that oxwall is compatible with that version of PHP and the error appears when the PDO module is not compatible with the php version you have on your server. You will need to contact support team to resolve the issue. 

You can even check the website if hostforweb has not deleted it yet. 

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