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show specific search url | Forum

ben Jul 3 '14
If someone search for age or sex male or female oxwall not showing it's url. Is it possible to get the url for specific search?

Alia Team
Alia Jul 9 '14
Ben, user search parameters are passed via POST method and therefore  passed data is not exposed in URL. So it is impossible to get the URL for the specific search result unless you modify whole search functionality.

ben Jul 9 '14
Thanks Alia, how to change to GET method
Alia Team
Alia Jul 11 '14
Ben, I can't tell how exactly this needs to be done. I can only point where you can do this:  ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/user_search.php

Overall, where are you planning to use urls for specific search results? What is the idea behind?