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new cheap tricks brought to you by oxwall! | Forum

Joseph Jul 7 '14
once again oxwall has created some half assed updates to pacify the users. Let's start with the new inbox instant messenger merge that only works half way. If you message someone from your instant messenger on site (AJAXIM) it goes to their inbox which is great super awesome work on that. However if you start a new conversation using send new message feature it will not go to your AJAXIM. The question arises why this half way made plugin when we could have had easier features that fully worked like the mobile signup? Who knows why Oxwall does anything anymore honestly the great direction they were once heading has now been trampled by cheap half working updates and senseless mods. To be honest Oxwall staff are slackers and when someone comes a long that pushes buttons or out does the team they shun that person they do not strive for excellence and it shows. Let's be honest for a second the new AJAXIM only came out because the developers could not otherwise take messaging to mobile and totally ignore that this plugin mod was mentioned years ago and oxwall ignored it saying it wasnt worth their time well now how the times have changed. Its ok Oxwall while yous tay 50 steps behind the hardcore users who have been here before you had even 1 third party developer are still here telling you the next move to make. Am I an asshole? yes I am and I will tell it how it is.
Sean Jul 7 '14
On your profile - "I can help with - Installation, Troubleshooting, Marketing"

If that's how you get your point across then I would rather look elsewhere for my marketing needs.

Anyway, back to your post.

Oxwall, IMO far out-performs any other PHP platform out there at the moment for social networking.

Sure, it could use improving in areas, but I would definitely not say that the team are 'slackers'.

You've only mentioned one example above as to how the development team are poor, I would be interested to hear your other reasons.

Joseph Jul 7 '14
well if we could go back and look at past forums on the fly I could point you to many examples. and it asks when you edit your profile what things you can help with and don't worry I will remove those as I have lost most hope for this project ever making a decent website to out perform your competitors and get ahead.
Joseph Jul 7 '14
and considering the name of your site I wouldn't help someone who refers to Gay men as "fags" but for that opinion oxwall is good for adult sites but for those trying to make real social networks it is far lacking
ross Team
ross Jul 7 '14
This mailbox and IM feature was designed to support a different kind of websites. It has three modes as you can see in the settings of the Messages plugin. The owner of the website is free to choose which one suits his website needs best. 

As I noted you in another post, there's a FB connect feature on mobile version, your members can join your website using this feature. 
As to the other examples you mentioned which lacks some functionality or something else, please report them and I'll pass it to our product design team. 

Joseph Jul 7 '14
I have mentioned it for months years even I am sure the team will eventually get around to it one day