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Little bug in mobile chat 1.7 | Forum

Jozef Aug 18 '14

Quote from Jozef

when you're writing to someone on chat, and then you want to read it in the mobile version, under the last message, loads previous messages

as you can see on the pictures

i write (in chat) numbers in order  from smallest to largest, when I display messages in the mobile version

this is result :

No matter where I wrote messages, or through the desktop version or mobile version

if you want to read the messages in a mobile version under the last text message displays the first text message from the entire conversation

I can not reproduce the bug better than in this post, bad sort messages can also see the time of sending, This error appears only when more messages is in chat.
ross Team
ross Aug 18 '14
I understand that, but can you try to do that by starting new conversation, because we still cannot reproduce the issue
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