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Chatbox image is extra large [Answered] | Forum

Palash Jul 10 '14

As you can see from the above pic, the name of the person is hidden behind the image. I am using origin theme What could be the problem?
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 28 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '14
Palash, have you updated origin theme?
Palash Jul 13 '14
Sorry for such a late reply. 

Yes, I have updated the origin theme from here.

ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
Palash, have you updated your software first and then plugins and themes?
Palash Jul 26 '14
Yes, I had done that. But, right now, I have disabled the messages plugin (on a shared hosting where it won't be supported), so I won't be able to check if it is working. So, this post can be locked for now. Sorry for the trouble.
ross Team
ross Jul 28 '14
Alright, it's up to you.