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Oxwall 1.7 Mobile on Tablet [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Omari Jul 10 '14
Hi can anyone tell me how to get Oxwall 1.7 mobile layout to be used on tablets and not just mobile phones? thanks
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 14 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '14
We do not support tablets
Omari Jul 11 '14
Yes but can u tell me where ti change the detection settings. And then ill try yo adapt the css myself thanks
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
that would be cool if you can make it working
Omari Jul 16 '14
it loads the desktop version of the site on tablets. but if tablets can be directed to the mobile version it also works great. i've tested it
Pete Jul 16 '14

You can check here if your site meets mobile standards mine failed,oxwall does not meet the standards


I tried the oxwall mobile and that failed  also

The Forum post is edited by Pete Jul 16 '14
Omari Jul 16 '14
Oxwall developers are working hard on giving us state of the art software. And we aren't even paying them to. They are enthusiasts making their contribution worldwide so we need to be reminded to be thankful for that. 

Several things are taken into consideration when doing page ranks etc. Tweaks will be added in the future. But if you are serious about your social network you would be running Oxwall on a VPS server. The speed is world class. 

Also Oxwall developers have significantly improved the load times of photos and on mobile it's really fast on a variety of android and apple devices.

They keep improving and rolling out fixes and innovations. So despite what the validator says it works well and continues to improve.

Just my two cents Pete

Pete Jul 16 '14

I know oxwall or working hard ,so I posted that link so they can get some idea how to make oxwall better for mobile .