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Fixing your IPN settings for Paypal/Crowdfunding plugins? | Forum

Kenneth Jul 11 '14
I have tried to ask on both plugin forums already.



I have not gotten the answer I need so I will give here a try ^_^

  attachment_4581_53a844680f30e_problem.jpg (80.62Kb)
Kenneth Jul 11 '14
Quote from Pete https://www.google.co.uk/?rlz=1w4chba_engb575#q=paypal+ipn+settings+what+or+they+.

thanks I already looked on google how to get there and set it up. I need to know the correct link that is required I know you put in a URL to configure it. However, Which url should be used for this plug-in? The plug-in owner said "
Do you have IPN feature active in your PayPal account?"

After which I replied explaining that I need to know the correct URL to use with this plug-in and have had no reply. "click Instant Payment Notification. Follow the instructions to enable your IPN including entering your Notification URL."

So the issue lies in do they have a script already made in the plug-in? I am not the only person either others have posted the same issue where they can get money but it doesn't show in the plug-in and must be manually added and anonymous which is bad relations with your members if you just "anonymously" post their donations like you are hiding the actual amount of money you are receiving.

Pete Jul 11 '14
Why don't you just message Paypal/Crowdfunding and ask them ,that would be your best opp,I have not used pp for a long time ,and I am not very sure myself .Sorry I could not help you .
Kenneth Jul 11 '14
Quote from Pete Why don't you just message Paypal/Crowdfunding and ask them ,that would be your best opp,I have not used pp for a long time ,and I am not very sure myself .Sorry I could not help you .

I have that is why I posted the links :P first one is crowd funding second one is paypal portal.

I posted here in case someone figured this out without the plug-in makers help.

Pete Jul 12 '14

All I can suggest Kenneth is join this website ,these guys well defo know how to do this,


and post your message in

Ecommerce Hosting & Discussion

You would think paypal would be be able to help you .Some sites or just so unbelievable how they operate 

Sorry I could not help you with this problem

The Forum post is edited by Pete Jul 12 '14
Kenneth Jul 12 '14
Quote from Pete

All I can suggest Kenneth is join this website ,these guys well defo know how to do this,


and post your message in

Ecommerce Hosting & Discussion

You would think paypal would be be able to help you .Some sites or just so unbelievable how they operate 

Sorry I could not help you with this problem

It is no problem, thanks a lot for the reference I'll be sure to check it out and see if they can help me out! ^_^
Den Team
Den Jul 14 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.