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Blocked Guests from Homepage, now can't undo! | Forum

Christopher Oct 19 '10

Sorry to be such an annoyance.

While trying out everything on my new install of this script, I even played with blocking Guests via the admin panel.

Now, no matter what I do, it won't show guests anything but the login form on the main page...

I set it back to allow guests to view the homepage, but I guess it didn't work?

I'd like guests to be able to see the normal main page with all the updates, new member and image lists and stuff, etc. etc.
Den Team
Den Oct 20 '10
Please, go here Admin Panel->Privacy&Permissions->Global Privacy and set config Guests can view the site to yes
Hope this will help :)
Christopher Oct 20 '10
Hi, yeah that's how I first made it so guests couldn't view the site (by checking 'no') but the thing is that when I check 'yes', it doesn't change the situation. :(

In other words, changing the setting does nothing...

Is there a setting in the database I could manually switch back?
Den Team
Den Oct 21 '10
It should work.
Try to search in ow_base_config table this config guests_can_view and set it to 1.
Christopher Oct 21 '10
Crap. It is set to 1. Hrm. Is this how it's supposed to look for guests: http://comicdig.com - Maybe I was mistaken and guests are never allowed to see the main page...? O_o
Christopher Oct 21 '10
Nevermind, too many problems for me.

I'll uninstall and check back in on the script a few more versions down the line.
Den Team
Den Oct 25 '10
Got it, you set page "Join" in the first place in Admin Panel->Pages&Menus.
You need to set "Main" page as first page for guests.
Let me know if this doesn't work for you :)
Christopher Oct 25 '10
Hey! You saved my site from deletion!! :D Haha Thank you thank you thank you.

I never would've dreamed that editing the top menu would affect what page guests see when they come to the site...

I just thought having a "Main" link was redundant since people can click the logo to go to the main page... never imagined it would affect anything other than that menu... O_O
Den Team
Den Oct 26 '10
Very happy that you stay with us! :)