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delete photo | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 13 '14
delete photo does not work
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
Tammy you will need to enable debug mode or see any firebug console errors as in this tutorial: http://docs.oxwall.org/faq:parse-error-troubleshooting so we could know the actual error. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14

no responce

ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
which domain are we talking about? thenaughty?
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 14 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
yes i sent you private message few day ago on it 
theres lots stuff not working 
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
I just uploaded two photos and deleted one. Or you can't delete old photos?
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
put a youtube url int newsfeed  does not play it post the image but on click it it takes you away from the site and to youtube
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
i cant not delete any photos i try all browsers
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
ok it seams to only be adim cant delete photos

none admin works fine 

3 admin accounts  including master admin all can not delete photos 

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jul 14 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
Tammy first of all one request per topic please. 

If you put url in the comment then it take you to the video URL if you do that in the status area then it plays in the video section. 

I just logged in with the admin details you sent me before and successfully deleted my last photo, uploaded by my user. Can't reproduce the issue. Something is wrong on your side. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
it seams to be old photos admin can not delete i just upload few with another account and admin account i sent you can delete them

normal user can delete any photo of theres 

try to remove any of the first 15 on the photo page with admin does not work
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
you have 500 error when deleting photos, enable debug mode and try to delete, you'll get the actual error, copy it here: 

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 14 '14
debug is on and shows no error on delete photo
ross Team
ross Jul 14 '14
make sure you have error reporting ON
ox-fr.org Jul 16 '14

Tammy i had this issue with old photos. At this time, i erase  myself in database.

With new photos now it work for me.

ox-fr.org Jul 16 '14

Do you have cloudflare tammy?

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 17 '14
nico ross has found the problem and oxwall are working on it 
ross Team
ross Jul 17 '14
photo plugins update is available in the store