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Email sending is not working | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Faruk, I recommended you to check ow_base_mail table when you send those e-mails, are there any? Have you done that?
ben Jul 26 '14
ross it work fine no email notification problem. ussually only take a minute to receive when i set to immediatly and days for 1.7 thanks
The Forum post is edited by ben Jul 26 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 27 '14
I'm sorry Ben, has your issue been resolved? or you still experience it on 1.7 version?
Jimmy Dec 18 '14
Hello I have a big mistake, my users no longer receive the latest activities in their inbox. here's my mistake that could help me? Jimmy thank you

ross Team
ross Dec 18 '14
The issue is with the newsfeedtrends plugin, contact plugin developer to resolve the issue. 
Jimmy Dec 19 '14
Thank You Ross


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