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Odd error, refreshes main page settings after save [Solved] | Forum

Kenneth Jul 21 '14
I can sometimes get it to save the navicon to work however, this page just keeps refreshing and killing off the save there. I am not sure if caching would effect this?
The Forum post is edited by Kenneth Jul 22 '14
  Untitled.png (17.1Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
enable debug mode, inspect this in the firebug console, as we cannot reproduce this on our websites. 
Kenneth Jul 21 '14

Quote from ross enable debug mode, inspect this in the firebug console, as we cannot reproduce this on our websites. 

I checked debug said something what wrong with the plug-in redirect so I deactivated it, however the issue has not lifted.
  debug.png (38.2Kb)
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Kenneth, if I understood you correctly, you enable to show favicon, then hit save and the page reloads as if you did not enabled favicon, is it correct?