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limit quota album and user [Solved] | Forum

Damien Jul 21 '14

Hello everyone. 

Sorry for my english is bad.

I have a big problem with version 1.7 oxwall. 

Specifically with photo plugin. 

As migration oxwall 1.5.3 to 1.7 does not work, I install and configure version 1.7 then I transfer information from my old SQL database manually corrected in version 1.7 tables that were modified. 

Unfortunately I still have one problem. 

When I import the table photos all members of the site that have a lot of pictures can not ouvrire their account. 

After several tests, I've realized that just the limit of the quota photo album, and user. 

So I change this value manually in the config table in the sql database. 

But regardless of the values ​​I put, it is impossible to run an album with more than 1000 photos, and a user account with more than 10,000 photos! 

But I have members of my site that have up to 40,000 photos and more than 20,000 times in the same album! 

How can I do to solve the problem? 

I may have to keep the 1.5.3 version?

The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 27 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
read this post: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/22132 do the search before posting
Damien Jul 21 '14

Thank you, but unfortunately changing the value is not a problem for me. 

Please read my explanation. If you do not understand, thank you for telling me.

ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
This quote is set in the code of the software, please follow the link in the post I gave you. 
Damien Jul 21 '14

I do not want to change the limit! 

My problem has nothing to do!

I have the impression that the site calculates the number of photos in the account when clicked to open it. And when there are more than 3000 photos, account opening starts getting long, and 8000 with pictures, account opens more.

I deleted photos from an account that does not open that there is not more than 3000 photos, and the account works fine, as soon as I add too many pictures, the account opens more.

ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
What do you mean account opening starts? 

and this one: When I import the table photos all members of the site that have a lot of pictures can not ouvrire their account. ?

Damien Jul 21 '14

yes, that's it.

My pictures table contains more than 130,000 results. 

When I import that 10,000 results, all members can ouvrire their account. 

After that, if I put more, the account that the more photos, begins to no longer be opened.

ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
what is ouvrire?
Damien Jul 21 '14
sorry, "OPEN" !
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Damien, have you changed user quota for photos and photos in albums in the script? because there are limitations in the script itself, probably that's the reason
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 21 '14
Damien Jul 21 '14
I already 250,000 for album and user.

I change the value directly on the table "config" in the sql database.

ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
as I said you need to change it in the code as well, save the file then go to the admin panel in the settings of the photo plugin and enter the same values you indicated in the code and DB and save
Damien Jul 21 '14

I just did, but it changes nothing. 

I finding that more a member has photos, and his account is slow to open. 

This issue is too important for me, I think I'll keep oxwall 1.5.3

ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
please provide screenshots of the file where you changed user quota, photo plugin settings and DB config table
Damien Jul 21 '14
Damien Jul 21 '14

I just did a test. 

And done, all members on an album of over 1000 photos can not open their account. 

There must be another security over the limit that in the admin I think.

ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Can you please tell me how did you import photos from 1.5.3 database to 1.7 database? What do those users see when they try to open their account. 

Because the format of photos from 1.5.3 is different from 1.7, and you will need to write a conversion script in order for the photo and other content to work. 

Damien Jul 22 '14

I kept the photo table version 1.7 plugin, and I just imported imformations identical colones table. 

For visualization, I have a script that parses the contents of the table with the date, whether an image is version 1.5.3 or 1.7 

And changes the display function detects release. 

Nothing complicated in my script, a simple condition with "if" and "else".

ross Team
ross Jul 24 '14
Damien, if I understood your correctly the problem is the more photos user have the longer his profile page opens. If so, the problem is that in 1.7 we have a widget on user profile called my albums, and now it uses a method before displaying, it count the amount of photo, which is why it takes so long. 

I have reported this to our developers, the fix will be provided asap. In the meantime, you can go to Pages and Menus section in the admin panel, and disable this widget on user profile page. 

Damien Jul 24 '14

Thank you so much!! 

I deleted the widget, and I have no more problems. 

But I have to wait for the patch, because my site without profile photos is without interest.

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