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mobile does not work on my android mobile (SOLVED) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Pete Jul 21 '14

I have just tried my website on my android mobile which has a 7 inch screen ,I can get my website on my phone ,but when I click on mobile I just get taken back to my main website,is this because my theme is ok for viewing on mobiles ? There is mobile folder on the theme that I am using .I guess I don't need the oxwall mobile has my theme is ok for mobiles. I am using this theme http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/437  which from the look of it is ok to also view on mobiles and tablets . This  must be the reason.So if anyone else has a theme which is compatable with mobile ,you cant get oxwall mobile to work.But there again if your theme is compat with mobile and tablet ,you don't need the oxwall mobile anyway .

The Forum post is edited by Pete Oct 20 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Pete, can you switch to the default theme and see if you have mobile version on your mobile phone?
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 22 '14
i am shore mobile is 480 px wide a 7 inch screen will be bigger then that so is default to main site 
ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Pete make sure you have not disabled mobile in your admin panel or via code in config.php

define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 0);

Pete Jul 23 '14

define('OW_DIR_USERFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_userfiles'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_STATIC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_static'.DS);
define('OW_URL_STATIC', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_static/');
define('OW_URL_USERFILES', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_userfiles/');
define('OW_DIR_PLUGINFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_pluginfiles/');

define('OW_PASSWORD_SALT', '@@@@@@@@@@@');

define('OW_DIR_CORE', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_core'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_INC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_includes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_LIB', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_libraries'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_UTIL', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_utilities'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_THEME', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_themes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SYSTEM_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_system_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SMARTY', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_smarty'.DS);

I have not got that line of code in my config file

ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
I will need your admin and Cpanel access details in PM, please
Pete Jul 23 '14
I might just drop my db ross and do a fresh install of 1.7  ,something has gone wrong during the update ,I think this would be my best bet and doing this might get my photo plugin working again
Pete Jul 23 '14
I appreciate your offer of help Ross
ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Please PM me the details, I will take a look, at least, we would know the reason. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 23 '14
Pete Jul 23 '14
I am in two minds if to scrap oxwall and move over to http://modx.com/ ,i just feel that its just not worth the worry about each update ,even though oxwall have done a great job ,I just feel I need something a lot more stable ,IE:when doing updates ,etc .If oxwall could sort out all these little problems ,I think oxwall would be one of the top free scripts.Sometimes I just think that the developers that code oxwall just don't listen to members . like word press,smf forum ,etc,these tend to have a structure in place were members or more involved .No body seems to want to expend oxwall by building bridges so members can implements better and bigger websites  .Lately it just seams like there is only you giving support Ross.
The Forum post is edited by Pete Jul 24 '14
Pete Oct 20 '14
I removed  define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 1); from my config file and my mobile is now working.
ross Team
ross Oct 20 '14
Great! :)
Quote from ross Pete make sure you have not disabled mobile in your admin panel or via code in config.php

define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 0);

Pete Oct 20 '14
I got it working then it stopped ,I am leaving it Ross  ,most people can use my website on there computer and ipad  ,and if people have a touch screen phone they can make the screen bigger to view my site .So its not such a big deal really this mobile