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groups no longer visible [Solved] | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14


With one account ("A") I suddenly don't see anymore the groups where I am a member, not even the group that I created with that account!

With other accounts I do see the groups! And with the other accounts I even see that "A" is a member of these groups...

What can I do? Can I also change the group owner (via myPHPadmin)?

But most important is that "A" get his groups "back", especially the one which "A" created and owns.

The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 23 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Have you changed anything privacy settings? What do you set for groups?
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14

As group owner I had changed the group, making it only possible to join upon invitation. Since then I don't see any of my groups, not even the one I own.

Now connected as owner of another group I deleted that member "A" from the group and sent a new invitation. As "A" I accepted the invitation - but still don't see that group, neither in the widget nor in my profile. So that didn't help.

It's like I am no member in any group, though if I look at the groups with other profiles I see "A" as member and even owner...

I didn't change any privacy settings, but will check them...

The Forum post is edited by Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14
The privacy settings are alright! Everybody can see my groups (according to the settings) - except myself. It must be some error in the tables. If you can tell me where to check, I can change it via myPHPadmin. 
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14
In the newsfeed I can see that "A" joined the group... But "A" himself doesn't see the group at all
ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Martin, what software, newsfeed and groups plugins versions do you have?
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14

oxwall 1.6

and i didnt update any plugin yet!

i am waiting til all my plugins are available for 1.7, only then will i do the updates. So the problem cannot be there.

ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
is this the domain : http://jambo-congo.net ?
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14

Wow, something interesting: when I click on "Groups" in the main menu i see NO group.

If I then click on the button "My Groups" I see the groups where I belong to, also the group where I am owner.

But they are NOT shown on my profile or in the group widget...


Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14

yes, thats the domain

did you just create the two profiles "ross" and "gluk" ?

ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Martin, I will need admin details and Cpanel access details to check the issue. Also, I'd like you to know that I will probably disable third-party plugins and switch to the default theme, if that's ok with you please send the details
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14
i can see the group you created only as Admin, not with my other profile.
ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Martin, you have set who can view by my invitation only, which is why the group is private, and it will appear in the listings of my group section only
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 23 '14
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14
yes, but should it not be visible also on my profile when I look at my own profile?
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14

well, what I wanted is tat the group is VISIBLE, but can only be joined upon invitation....

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Jul 23 '14

but there should be then a third option:

1. who can view

2. who can invite


What I want is that the group is visible, but can be joined only upon invitation (no matter if by members or group owner). But it looks like that is not possible right now...

...by the way, I don't see how to mark this topic as solved or how to close it...

ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
What you want is custom code modification. I'll do that for you.