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Disable likes and comments on newsfeed posts | Forum

Sean Jul 24 '14

I know how to post to the newsfeed, but what setting do I need to set when creating the event to stop comments and likes.

I see that when groups are created you can't comment or like that activity, but looking at the code I can't see how they've done it!


Wilson Jul 24 '14

Hey Sean,

If you’re trying to disable “Likes” and or “Comments” in the “Newsfeed” plugin? Go to your “Admin” area and click onto the “Plugin” link. Under “Active Plugins” hover over the “Newsfeed" plugin and you will see “SETTINGS”. Click onto that and it will take you to the “Newsfeed” area, there under "Settings" you can check or un-check “Likes” and or “Comments”.

Hope it helps,

Sean Jul 25 '14
Hey Wilson, thank you for that. But I just wanted to disable them for specific posts. 

The groups plugin for example Adds a post about newly created groups, but likes and comments are disabled for it. 

Alia Team
Alia Aug 11 '14
Sean, comments&likes are default features of "Newsfeed" plugin that are added automatically to any newsfeed item ( including groups). You can turn on/off comments and likes within the settings of "Newsfeed" plugin, but this will effect all newsfeed items.

Sean Aug 11 '14
But the group plugin has the ability to remove comments and likes from the newsfeed when a user joins a group - see the attached image.

Only for those posts comments are disabled, but I cant see how they've done it from looking at the group plugin code.
  Untitled.png (146Kb)
Sean Aug 11 '14
Id like to clarify, this is for a new plugin I'm developing, so it will post to the newsfeed, but I don't want users to be able to comment on the posts.

This isn't to disable likes and comments for other posts.