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Troubleshooting trying to update to 1.7 | Forum

Shaukat Jul 25 '14

I went to update to 1.7 version and when i clicked on platform update it asked for my ftp details. I entered them and now the website wont open.

404 error

Can anyone help what i have to do

tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 25 '14
put a back in of your site then deactivate all plugins and switch to origin them then run update again the activate plugins one at a time and update them as you do it 
Shaukat Jul 25 '14


But I am not able to access my admin panel also
Shaukat Jul 25 '14
This is what it shows when try accessing it
  Capture.PNG (16.22Kb)
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 25 '14
put a back up in and do the upgrade
ross Team
ross Jul 27 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 27 '14
Tammy +1, restore a backup, then disable all third-party plugins, switch to the default theme and run the update again