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Can't get mobile website to work. | Forum

Kenneth Jul 29 '14
I am assuming this is partly my mistake.

When checking to disable and enable mobile nothing happens.

Also when change the setting in Oxwall config to 0 or 1 nothing happens.

I tried caching and still nothing.

I assume it is somthing simple like maybe Cloudflare cache is effecthing this etc. If anyone else had this problem feel free to let me know how you fixed it ^_^.
ross Team
ross Jul 29 '14
Have you tried to purge cloudflare cache? or disable this plugin and try again?
Kenneth Jul 30 '14

Quote from ross Have you tried to purge cloudflare cache? or disable this plugin and try again?

Tried both,

What happens is when I manually select or even type in http://cimmarian.com/mobile-version it brings me to the normal dashboard.
Pete Jul 30 '14

I am having trouble getting the oxwall mobile working

I have come across this script  http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/22641   this may help if you cant get oxwall mobile working

I am just waiting for somebody to post me some advice about it

The Forum post is edited by Pete Jul 30 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 31 '14
Kenneth, there's something wrong with the caching, please disable all caching plugins or services you use on your website. 

Pete, make sure you have a mobile folder in the active theme, make sure you have not disabled mobile version neither in the admin panel or config.php file using the code. Try to check your error logs, enable debug mode, check firefox console when you switch to the mobile version, probably some issue related errors there. 

ox-fr.org Aug 7 '14


Did you add ow_use_context in your config.php ?

Alia Team
Alia Aug 8 '14
Kenneth, completely remove the line ( and not just change 1 to 0). Refer to: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/22022