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Video plugin email notifications Invalid_URI error(SOLVED) | Forum

Diren Diren
Diren Diren Aug 2 '14
Hi guys, 

I searched the forum and tried the debug mode but couldn't solve this :

In notifications on the top right; the below message shows properly

X User commented on your video:  X Video Title 

This is Ok . But when you click the video title link

It redirects you to : sorry there is no such document page. And when you move the crusor on the link it shows yoursitecom/invalid_URI

the language definition is like shown below:

<a href="{$userUrl}">{$userName}</a> commented on your video: <a href="{$videoUrl}">{$videoTitle}</a>

and it looks fine. it brings the user profile link properly but not the video link.

Any advice? What shall I do?


The Forum post is edited by Diren Diren Aug 6 '14
Alia Team
Alia Aug 4 '14
Diren, I have just checked on our demo ( demo.oxwall.org) and link to the video is working.
What is the URL you get redirected to?

Are all of your plugins up to date ?
Diren Diren
Diren Diren Aug 4 '14
Actually I reinstalled the software and translating it by myself. So in a short time I will have the chance of testing again. If a problem occurs again with the same error, I will inform you asap. 

But it was not redirecting me anywhere. It was showing no such document page in the same url.

Alia Team
Alia Aug 6 '14
Ok. Keep me posted.
Diren Diren
Diren Diren Aug 6 '14
Hi Aliia

Thank you for your attention. When I reinstall and retranslate the language it is fixed.