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Photo Upload | Forum

Kris Corp
Kris Corp Aug 2 '14
When you click the photo upload button it doesnt work on galaxy s3 standard browser but when i get another browser it works perfect.
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 3 '14
i test my s3 and 2 other friends and all photo upload buttons work fine on my site 

did you try switch to origin them and try it 
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Aug 3 '14
no. im using a responsive theme that i bought. i love this theme. Seems to work for every phone accept mine. On the emulator it works fine. When i click the photo button for upload it does nothing on my phone. i dont know if this is plugin or theme related. Works perfect on the desktop. No issues at all. Only issue is on gs3 cus thats the phone im using. But when i change to another browser it works perfect. Issue is only with the standard browser.
  Screenshot_2014-08-01-14-12-36_resized.png (82.82Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Aug 4 '14
Kris, we  officially don't support desktop version from mobile phones. Mobile version was developed for mobile phones ( and from what I see you don't use our native mobile version). I recommend contacting your theme's developer
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Aug 7 '14
ok. I did a test. The error is coming from the photo plugin. You guys need to fix it. This use to work on the last version of 1.6. Boxes closed and photo upload wasnt an issue. Didnt matter what theme i had on phone. Seems that you guys upgrade then another issue happens that has to be figured out. If its not broke dont fix it. Things you guys need to focus on it mobile version not an app. In the future if it doesnt work for mobile its pointless because thats the future.

You guys guys need to fix the photo plugin. I figured out thats the source of all my issues.
Alia Team
Alia Aug 8 '14

We do not support desktop version on mobile phones for a number of reasons. Based on our experience, desktop version will never be as good on phones as it is on PCs. There will always be issues with it, and adding a whole bunch of "fixes" to make it work on phones is not a good idea. Plugin needs to be originally designed in a different way to work on phones, and that is what we basically did. We changed our "Photo" plugin to work on mobile devices. But this is possible only if you are using our mobile platform.

We understand that our mobile version is limited right now, but more new features will be added to it with each update.

In your case, there is not much we can help you with, since we just don't support desktop version on mobile phones.
Kris Corp
Kris Corp Aug 8 '14
Im having a custom theme built so its fine now. I found a new developer.