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ugly BUG, but simple to be removed... - Newsfeed Trends Twitter style | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 3 '14


I had written you in a PM about my hashtag #39 showing up without that any user ever used this hashtag...

Coming across similar non existing hashtags I found the reason for this problem and I hope you will fix it.

I also got hashtags listed like #000000 etc. This are clearly color codes that appear when users copy/past content to the status line or when a video is embedded etc. It may also be anchor links in the embedded code.

All what is needed is that your plugin does NOT consider hashtags that start with" or an apostroph' since color codes and anchor links always start with either "# or '#

Please, can you make your plugin to not consider any # that follows directly one of these characters: " or ' 

That would probably solve the problem and the annoyance of many users.

Thank you very much!

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