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How cums it always show members online but they are not? | Forum

jeo Oct 17 '11
For some reason my members stay online and never go offline, so its stupid talking to my self when they are rely offline! someone sort this please?
Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Oct 17 '11
Have you set up the cronjob properly?

As far as I know the cronjob manages user sessions in oxwall.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 17 '11
Yes set up your cron job, other wise it will only recognize a user is offline if they hit logout. Note some hosts e.g. hostgator only allow 15 minute minimums so you will have 15 min delay.
jeo Oct 17 '11
thanks for getting back, iv had a look iv already have a cron in my script, i open it and it has a run.php so what next?
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 17 '11
Did you setup your cron in control panel though?
jeo Oct 17 '11
no it was alredy included with the installment threw sotaculous in my cpanel, is that rite or have i got to change it?
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 17 '11
Im not sure i know it didn't install my cron job when i use automatic installers, post screen shot of the setup of the cron.
Den Team
Den Oct 18 '11
Would you show us a screenshot with your cronjob settings in Cpanel. You can find it by logged in to Cpanel->Cron
jeo Oct 18 '11
ok iv attach a screenshoot of the run.php file init by veiw, check it out thanks
  cron.png (60.27Kb)
Max Oct 18 '11
Addenter was talking of a screenshot of your cron setting in Cpanel, not your run.php
jeo Oct 18 '11
I have only two choices leech project or mange indices witch one it don't say settings when i look on file manager? I'm not rely good with this sort of stuff so i rely need more help if you can please? thanks guys
jeo Oct 18 '11
Iv now just checked my mail in and i had over 2000 messages about cron!

This is how it looks in my mail.

Subject: Cron <groads@duck> cd /home/groads/public_html/d/periodic; /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php -q cron.php

/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /home/groads/public_html/d/periodic: No such file or directory Could not open input file: cron.php

So they must be something rong here that needs sorting out!
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 18 '11
*/15****/usr/bin/php -q /home/*****/public_html/offers/ow_cron/run.php

My cron looks like that
Den Team
Den Oct 19 '11
You have incorrect cron command. Keelan provided a right command. You need to use the same, just put your correct path to run.php file.
jeo Oct 19 '11
how can i do that?
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 19 '11
Search cron, in your cpanel.
  Untitled.png (16.96Kb)
jeo Oct 19 '11
I think iv dun that now so is that it?
jeo Oct 19 '11
thanks very much guys its working great now :)
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 19 '11
Yes you should get any errors only if it fails.
Erwan Dec 13 '12
I've just installed Oxwall and I've got the same problem than jeo but I can't find  the cron menu in my cpanel.
My version is 1.4.1.
Can someone help me?
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