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Customizing Main page opens like Development-Mode | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 5 '14


when I click on "Customization" in my Main page, suddenly the whole layout is WRONG and everything appears like in developer mode. see the attached screenshot pls.

I can't change anything any longer. Any idea what I can do? 

  Ashampoo_Snap_2014.08.05_15h30m47s_018_.png (337.48Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Aug 6 '14
Martin, what is your platform version? ( can be seen in the bottom of any page of the admin panel).
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 6 '14

It's 1.6

and after a few hours of this problem, all is back to normal. I have no idea what caused it, esp. sinceI couldn't do any changes on my main page and sidebar due to the problem. It was just suddenly there - and after some hours suddenly gone :)