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Can't seem to fix my messages (Solved) | Forum

Kenneth Aug 6 '14
The biggest problem I have been having is when I try to pick send some pages the To: section will work and others it won't. I have tried to disable plug-ins but I can't seem to narrow down the problem.

Anyone else had this issue. where you just can't type in To:
The Forum post is edited by Kenneth Aug 7 '14
Alia Team
Alia Aug 7 '14
Kenneth, is your theme up to date? Looks messed up:

I think that "To" field issue is theme related. Try switching to "Origin"  theme.
Also if you use "User Hint" plugin, try deactivating it.

Kenneth Aug 7 '14

Quote from Aliia Kenneth, is your theme up to date? Looks messed up:

I think that "To" field issue is theme related. Try switching to "Origin"  theme.
Also if you use "User Hint" plugin, try deactivating it.

You are correct it appears to be a direct theme complication.
Thanks for checking it out I will mark as solved and let you know if any further issues occur.
Kenneth Aug 7 '14
Update, the issue is doing a full cache clean with OxArt Speed Optimizer. This will wipe your whole theme settings and create site wide plugin cache and coding errors.
The Forum post is edited by Kenneth Aug 7 '14