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e500 after adding a new page (DEV MODE log included) [Solved] | Forum

Vitaliy Aug 6 '14
After reinstalling to the latest version of Oxwall, I hid the My Profile page in the admin dashboard. Later I decided I wanted to add it and it did not allow me to drag and drop no matter what I did. Tried in IE and Chrome.

For a workaround I decided to create a My Profile link pointing to that "hidden" page. Being hidden is what may have cause the current issue.

Immediately after saving, the site went to an internal server error (500).

Pretty much everything had been working great, could you guys please review the error log and tell me what you think?


The Forum post is edited by Alia Aug 8 '14
  error.txt (5Kb)
Vitaliy Aug 7 '14
Just tried accessing the site using my smart phone. I can use the mobile site but not the desktop version. Still throws a 500 error. When I look for the error, nothings shows up and it seems like it may be my ISP's cache.

When I pull up the page in my phone the error is as follows:

Type: Exception

File: /ow_core/route.php

Line 165

Hope this helps

Vitaliy Aug 7 '14
Problem solved.

had to remove "throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid route params provided!');"

Looks like as suspected it was the invalid URL 


The Forum post is edited by Vitaliy Aug 7 '14