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Please help me read this Debug log | Forum

Vitaliy Aug 7 '14
Hi everyone, I keep seeing random bugs here and there. The site loads via mobile or by going to URL/index.php but can't log in or do anything, always throws a 500 internal error.

Please see log.pdf

Line 110 in autoload.php is  include $path is it a missing path to the drag and drop function for the contacts importer?

Line 67 of the drag and drop panel is

$this->standartSettings[$widget['className']] = call_user_func(array($widget['className'], 'getStandardSettingValueList'));

I'm assuming this is a missing path?

Thank you,


The Forum post is edited by Vitaliy Aug 7 '14
  log.pdf (137Kb)
Vitaliy Aug 7 '14
Went to ow_pluginfiles/contact_importer and renamed it, then reloaded files into /ow_plugins/contact_importer which were all missing for some reason. It's interesting because I was testing it out yesterday and it seemed to auth and work just fine.

The site is now slower than ever, logging in using either FB or the reg sign-in lags a lot and takes you to a blank page, then redirects you. Something is still wrong.


Alia Team
Alia Aug 8 '14
Regarding DEBUG log, this usually happens when plugin is deleted directly from ow_plugins folder, while it should have been deleted from admin panel.
In any case, try reinstalling the plugin from admin panel.

Regarding slowness of the site, can blank pages, can you provide a link to your site?