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Oxwall 1.7 moved to VPS CRON error | Forum

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Pete Nov 13 '14
Mines always stopping I am sick of it ,the settings or correct and works far a while and then just stops  ,its stands to reason its not the cron command but something in the oxwall code or a plugin .I wish oxwall would come up with a plugin instead of cron being built into the script ,it would make life so much easier
The Forum post is edited by Pete Nov 13 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 13 '14
Pete, please follow the instructions here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/23102?page=2#post-121714 . Please let us know what you end up with. 
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Nov 14 '14
Since I have certified the site to https not get more e-mail notifications do I do?
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 16 '14
Update: I have tried the following cron jobs:

wget -q -O /dev/null http://my-site.net/ow_cron/run.php
/usr/bin/php -q /home/krunch/public_html/ow_cron/run.php
/usr/local/bin/php /home/krunch/public_html/ow_cron/run.php
php -f /home/http://my-site.net/public_html/ow_cron/run.php
curl http://my-site.net/ow_cron/run.php

Arvixe actually suggested I insert the following to my Meta:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1200;url=/sign-out" />
BULLSHIT I say lol, while yes this works for those idling on my site past 20 minutes this does NOT auto log those members out that have closed there browsers w/Out logging out, further it does NOT take care of the NON-working mail system..

and none of them are working
Pete Nov 16 '14
Mine has started working again now 
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 16 '14
Mine has to but won't get too excited yet till I see if it lasts
Pete Nov 16 '14

I think it would still be better if there was a plugin to run the cron ,it would only take afew lines of php code to do this .If it was a separate plugin ,it would over ride all the other cron jobs in plugins ,which would still give out notifications, if the cron stopped working in the other  plugins.

I think its other plugins that run cron that or causing this problem with the main cron in oxwall

When you first install oxwall the cron runs ok ,until you start adding other plugins ,then this is when the problems seem to start .It stands out a mile its some of the plugins that or causing the main cron in oxwall to stop .Or maybe plugins with cron to run them should maybe have there own cron command ,which members set up separate a diff cron job to run each cron in these plugins 

I might try and set up a dif cron job  far one of the plugins that also run cron and see  what happens

Here at oxwall I am not being logged out ,but I am still get notifications ,so its ov there is a clash with plugins ,this has to be the problem ,

The Forum post is edited by Pete Nov 16 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
Krunch, Pete what are the results of the test according to the instructions I gave you?
Pete Nov 17 '14
Mine just started again ross so I did not bother
ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
Guys, you can also check ow_logs/cron_errors file probably something would be there related to the issue you have
Pete Nov 17 '14
[31-Jan-2014 17:49:01 America/New_York] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting ')' in /home/xxxxx/public_html/ukadoptionregister.org/ow_pluginfiles/base/lang_1.php on line 2041
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 17 '14
not getting loged out seams to be browser based as 

yesterday and today 

on both oxwall site and my site i got logged out for inactivity 

but on my mobile site i have not been logged out for weeks now 

is strange that both sites work at the same time 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Nov 17 '14
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 17 '14

Quote from ross Krunch, Pete what are the results of the test according to the instructions I gave you?

I posted that on page 2 of this topic, also I attached 3 screen shots, wasn't able to connect via SSH.

Kяuncн Nov 12 Connecting from cPanel (Connect using SSHTerm) gives an error popup and also using Putty.

I have contacted and submitted a ticket with Arvixe 2 days ago, no response yet, quite frankly I'm sick and tired of the service Arvixe provides. Not that they care, in fact they have removed Oxwall from there list at the home-site footer links.

   Putty.PNG (36Kb) delete
  Error-02.PNG (28Kb) delete
  Error-01.PNG (17Kb)

The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Nov 17 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14
Pete, your error log of 31 of January. Do you have anything as of the current date or relatively lately?

Tammy please give us sometime to reproduce the issue with the mobile version, I'll get back to you asap. 

Guys, in order to make sure you cron jobs are properly configured please follow the instructions I provided and let me know the results. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 18 '14
4 days i a row now i have been logged out of oxwall and my site for inactivate 

but only in chrome
firefox i did not get logged out of my site 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Nov 18 '14
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 25 '14
Been noticing when joining other Oxwall networks then closing the browser w/Out signing out and revisiting days later I find that I'm also still logged in.
The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Nov 25 '14
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