I think it would still be better if there was a plugin to run the cron ,it would only take afew lines of php code to do this .If it was a separate plugin ,it would over ride all the other cron jobs in plugins ,which would still give out notifications, if the cron stopped working in the other plugins.
I think its other plugins that run cron that or causing this problem with the main cron in oxwall
When you first install oxwall the cron runs ok ,until you start adding other plugins ,then this is when the problems seem to start .It stands out a mile its some of the plugins that or causing the main cron in oxwall to stop .Or maybe plugins with cron to run them should maybe have there own cron command ,which members set up separate a diff cron job to run each cron in these plugins
I might try and set up a dif cron job far one of the plugins that also run cron and see what happens
Here at oxwall I am not being logged out ,but I am still get notifications ,so its ov there is a clash with plugins ,this has to be the problem ,
Krunch, Pete what are the results of the test according to the instructions I gave you?
Tammy please give us sometime to reproduce the issue with the mobile version, I'll get back to you asap.
Guys, in order to make sure you cron jobs are properly configured please follow the instructions I provided and let me know the results.