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cant log in [Solved] | Forum

Raymond Aug 9 '14
Hi, i cant seem to log in on my newly installed oxwall website http://ue.youclique.com/

the hosting support told me that

"What i did was re-install the script. After that it logged me in. Then I logged out and tried to log in, but the script rejected the password. I would suggest that you try using different version of the script, or check with their official support/forum for assistance with the current problem, as at the moment there are no server-side errors being generated."
The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 17 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 10 '14
Try to restore the password, please, then get back to us if you still can't
Raymond Aug 16 '14
tried to reset my password but im not receiving any email on my email on how to reset it
Raymond Aug 16 '14
hi was able to log in already thanks
ross Team
ross Aug 17 '14
Great! I'm going to mark this post as Solved then.