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Error 404 everywhere exept at homepage and my account . [Solved] | Forum

Syazwan Aug 11 '14
I have problem with my site , it keep show error 404 , i already enable debug mode and this came up at home page before sign in can anyone help ? please ?


The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 12 '14
Arvixe QA
Arvixe QA Aug 11 '14
Hi Syazwan,

Do you have the CCBill plugin? There was another post on the forum about it:


Also I would recommend removing the image and posting the error or to white out the image as it includes some account information.


ross Team
ross Aug 11 '14
Can you please specify, what is this that came up? I believe you forgot to attach something, don't you?
Syazwan Aug 12 '14
Hello ross , it's okay , arvixe already help with the problem and they already restore it from backup , 
ross Team
ross Aug 12 '14
Alright, I'm going to mark this post as Solved then.