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How to put tags in forum | Forum

Viren K
Viren K Aug 12 '14

is anyone tell me how to put "TAGS" in "FORUM" pages.

i really need to know of putting tags.... 

pls pls pls help me

Viren K

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Aug 12 '14
I would also love to know :)
Viren K
Viren K Aug 12 '14
pls help someone 
ross Team
ross Aug 13 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Viren K
Viren K Aug 13 '14
Quote from Pham I have been thinking about it but didn't have time to implement yet. But I have customized Blogs module so I guess you have to customize the code (as I did with Blogs)

I have some basic knowledge that may help you in coding:

- ow_base_tag table : tag of everything in ow

- ow_base_entity_tag table : link between tag and entity (such as blogs, image, in your case should be forum/topic)

Those two are quite enough for data storing. As for php code:

- TagsInputField class : component representing html input

- BOL_TagDao 

- BOL_TagService

Hope that helps. 

Let me know if you are interested in exchanging the code customization. I am adding many cool/friendly feature into Blogs right now

thanks Mr Pham

pls help me to add tags
