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help urgent problems sending verification emails | Forum

andres Aug 16 '14

urgent help

my site does not send verification emails as I can figure this out

try the mail page and also a gmail

how to solve this problem

Shaun Aug 16 '14
Is Your cron set to run correctly?

When i had this problem I had to tweak my cron job slightly
Alia Team
Alia Aug 17 '14

Verification emails are sent by Cron only if SMTP is enabled.
If SMTP is disabled, then verification email is sent via default php_mail() function.

To help you we will need following information:

1. Whether you have SMTP enabled.
2. If you have it enabled, which Cron command do you use and how often your Cron runs.
3. Do you receive any other emails? ( ex. activity notificaitons, mass mailing?).
4. Have you tried sending out verification emails to different emails? ( ex. @gmail.com, @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com and etc) ?
5. Have you set your email in Admin Panel > Settings >Main settings ?
6. Who do you host with?
7. What is the title of your verification emails? ( can be found in Admin Panel >Settings >Language > search by "verify" keyword : {text key='base+site_email_verify_subject'}  )

Alia Team
Alia Aug 17 '14
Topic was moved from General Chat.
andres Aug 24 '14


here I leave the requested information, I verified the mailing of mail of cross-check to different post office, I already verified the dedicated information and they are well 

the truth already not that to do so that the post office are sent 

now I use a vps linux and not if the cron is formed well 

thank you

  cron.jpg (42Kb)
  smpt.jpg (79Kb)
ross Team
ross Aug 24 '14
Andres, do you receive mass mail or notifications e-mails? seems like there's something wrong with your cron or mail server (you need to contact your provider support team to resolve the issue