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Custom Macabre Issue | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
razzberry Oct 23 '11
I posted last night in a thread that had been posted about an error with a theme. I guess no one saw it? Bleh.

Anyways. This is the issue. I have the Macabre theme, and had uploaded it into the appropriate folder. Everything was normal. The theme itself was even loading right for a few hours.

Now I don't know what I had done wrong while customizing it? But now no matter 'what' I do? The images in the theme wont load.

I figured I had done something wrong? So I deleted it off of the server completely. Then downloaded a complete fresh copy of it, and uploaded it via FTP to the theme folder once more. But the same problem came up with loading images for the theme.

Is there something I'm missing here? I have been busting my lil ass trying to figure it out. Call it a blonde moment? -snicker-...

please help. I'm absolutely dying to get my site going again, and with the dark theme my members very much need!

much luff 
xoxoxo - noir
Max Oct 23 '11
What is your site URL ?

razzberry Oct 23 '11
---link privatized sorry!---

give me a few mins though. I'm about to try another upload of the theme on a crappy connection. -s-
The Forum post is edited by razzberry Oct 23 '11
razzberry Oct 23 '11
Ok. For the majority? It's now working.

Is there a possibility fixing the background in place, and customizing the logo could have caused the images not to load?

(this is typical of me. I ask for help, then something happens and things fix)
Max Oct 23 '11
For fix the background, add thid in your CSS
razzberry Oct 23 '11
Thats what I had done before....-thinks-..

Maybe I had just accidentally added a letter or mark while rushing things. Thanks for taking the time to check into this. -laughs-. Am a little embarassed now.
If I run into issues with the bg and custom logo. I should be able to figure out where it went wrong, and I will then add a post here how to correct. Just incase someone else has a blonde moment and does the same thing.
razzberry Oct 23 '11
soon as i fix the background. it causes the images to stop loading. I'm thinking that I have added it to the wrong spot in the .css code itself. I put it under the background-color etc spot. I will put it under the image itself this time.
razzberry Oct 23 '11
ok. in the base.css through the admin panel. I have this in it.

background-image:url(images/page-bg.jpg); /** OW_Control key:backgroundImage, type:image, label: Background image, section:1. General Settings **/
background-color: #353535;

That is within the full base.css. I go into the admin panel. click on edit theme, then to css...and paste it under the read only and click save. have i put it in the wrong spot?

(added note: I have been pasting that 'with' the rest of the base .css. not just that portion of the code)

The Forum post is edited by razzberry Oct 23 '11
razzberry Oct 23 '11
   background-attachment:fixed;  /** OW_Control key:backgroundImage, type:image, label: Background image, section:1. General Settings **/
   background-color: #353535;

trying this helps, but doesnt fix the issue. everything initially will load. then glitch out again.

Sorry for being dificult. 
Max Oct 23 '11
remove ALL your custom css and try add this :

body, html
font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Verdana", "Tahoma"; /** OW_Control type:font, section:1. General Settings, key:commonFontFamily, label:Font **/
color: #C3C2C2; /** OW_Control type:color, section:2. Colors, key:textColor, label: - Text **/
font-size: 13px; /** OW_Control type:text, section:1. General Settings, key:commonFontSize, label:Font size **/
line-height: 18px;
The Forum post is edited by Max Oct 23 '11
razzberry Oct 23 '11
Oooooooh! Alright that worked!

Apologies! I didn't know exactly how the custom .css edit section worked. I thought you had to have the full base.css string of code in it when trying to change things! 

thank you sooo very very much!

So when I need to change the logo area's size to a larger one. I just add to that short list and be sure to title where it goes right? as goes for fonts etc?
The Forum post is edited by razzberry Oct 23 '11
Max Oct 23 '11
To edit size of logo, add this :

.ow_header .ow_logo h2 a
display: block;
width: 665px;
height: 110px;

PS : your background image is so big (1,5 Mo...)
The Forum post is edited by Max Oct 23 '11
razzberry Oct 23 '11
yea. i'm going to resize the bg image for sure. Was hoping to center it, and have it auto resize? So it could function for multiple screen resolutions. blah. I failed. -laughs-.

oh right. So as long as the title itself, and the code for the particular piece of code you wish to customize is there, it should work? Kickass. Thank you so very very much!
Den Team
Den Oct 24 '11
Topic was moved from Bug reports.