I posted last night in a thread that had been posted about an error with a theme. I guess no one saw it? Bleh.
Anyways. This is the issue. I have the Macabre theme, and had uploaded it into the appropriate folder. Everything was normal. The theme itself was even loading right for a few hours.
Now I don't know what I had done wrong while customizing it? But now no matter 'what' I do? The images in the theme wont load.
I figured I had done something wrong? So I deleted it off of the server completely. Then downloaded a complete fresh copy of it, and uploaded it via FTP to the theme folder once more. But the same problem came up with loading images for the theme.
Is there something I'm missing here? I have been busting my lil ass trying to figure it out. Call it a blonde moment? -snicker-...
please help. I'm absolutely dying to get my site going again, and with the dark theme my members very much need!
much luff
xoxoxo - noir