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Too many sign in options? [Answered] | Forum

Matt Aug 19 '14
Hi -  I followed the instructions to install a custom background on a sign in page posted on another topic:


I think part of the instructions also included the code to sign in using Facebook. So I went off and set up a Facebook app, and the code seemed to connect to the facebook plugin. I switched off 'maintenance mode' as i thought that might be stopping a 'test sign in' working properly. My page now looks like this:

You can see there is the 'F Connect' link within the sign in page, and another one at the top right.

The page is returning the following error message (screenshot taken with 'debug mode' set to 'true'

 So It looks like I've ended up with too much code!

How do I remove the facebook sign in at the top right & keep the Facebook connect App (and make it work)?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions/help.

The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 19 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 19 '14
as to the error, read here please: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/23450?page=1#post-106865

you can use CSS in order to hide it, apply these styles in theme customizer in the admin panel: 

.ow_ico_signin:last-child{display: none}
.ow_signin_delimiter{border-right: none}

Matt Aug 19 '14
Thanks for that ross.

In the custom CSS field in the theme customizer, there is already some custom CSS added from following the instructions previously mentioned. Do I add the code you mention above or below that, or can I safely delete the existing code and just add and save your suggestion above?

I've added it above the existing code,& saved it, but it doing that doesn't seem to make any difference to the original error(s)

ross Team
ross Aug 19 '14
What original error? This one: http://www.oxwall.org/ow_userfiles/plugins/base/6412-debug.JPG ? 

the styles just remove FB icon in the right uppper corner you can insert them either any place

The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 19 '14
Matt Aug 19 '14
Thanks Ross - yes I can see the FB icon has now gone from the top right -  and the FB connect issue is currently being worked on elsewhere? I'll watch out for an update - or is there a workaround?
ross Team
ross Aug 19 '14
Unfortunately no, our developers are working on that.