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Language pack export not working | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 20 '14

I need to export my language packs but when I click on the "Export" button the file is opened in the browser - which displays the code of the zip file instead if downloading the zip file... I tried different browsers, same problem.

But it used to work before

ross Team
ross Aug 20 '14
Make sure zip extension is installed on your server. 
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 21 '14
it is installed, it worked before. It's the same with the png files generated as captcha: the code of the png file is shown instead of the image...
ross Team
ross Aug 21 '14
Please provide screenshot of the phpinfo, where it is said that zip module is installed. 
ross Team
ross Aug 21 '14
Martin I will need CPanel and admin details in PM, please. 
omer Dec 12 '17

Quote from ross Martin I will need CPanel and admin details in PM, please. 

why you dont to write answer here for everybody... this is forum not pm support are...