Before I updated the platform, I upgraded a plugin - I think Newsfeed. That was probably not wise. When I then tried to upgrade the platform, it didn't work. So I upgraded the platform via the manual method of unpacking the package to my root and loading the /ow_updates link. Now I'm seeing my Newsfeed box with no button to post, and under that box the above error. Under that error, I'm seeing this separate one:
Message:Trying to get property of non-objectFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26
OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `mobile.admin_settings` not found!File:/ow_core/router.phpLine:262
if it is the one you get earlier:
Undefined index: previewIdFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26
or this one:
Message:Trying to get property of non-objectFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26
you will need to enable dev mode the refresh the website