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After updating to 1.7, all posts are missing and I get the following error | Forum

Joshua Aug 20 '14
Message:Undefined index: previewIdFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26

Joshua Aug 20 '14
More details:

Before I updated the platform, I upgraded a plugin - I think Newsfeed. That was probably not wise. When I then tried to upgrade the platform, it didn't work. So I upgraded the platform via the manual method of unpacking the package to my root and loading the /ow_updates link. Now I'm seeing my Newsfeed box with no button to post, and under that box the above error. Under that error, I'm seeing this separate one:

Message:Trying to get property of non-objectFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26

ross Team
ross Aug 20 '14
Joshua, you need to update the platform first, then plugins. Do you have a backup?
Joshua Aug 21 '14
Mostly. I backed up all the files except for some of the /ow_smarty files because they were taking too long. 

When I switch back to the old files before any of the updates, I'm getting this on the admin page:

OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `mobile.admin_settings` not found!File:/ow_core/router.phpLine:262

Joshua Aug 21 '14
As well as a bunch of other errors on the index page
Joshua Aug 25 '14
I've got the old backup reloaded and it's not telling me that a new release is available. Plus I'm getting errors still. Anyone know the best way to proceed?
Joshua Aug 25 '14
I changed the ow_plugins/newsfeed folder to newsfeed28 and that got rid of the errors. But I still have lost all posts and there's no Post button to add new stuff via the newsfeed?
  nopostbutton.png (3Kb)
ross Team
ross Aug 25 '14
Joshua, you will still need to use your back up, or downgrade your newsfeed plugin version. Then you will need to enable debug again in order to catch the error

if it is the one you get earlier: 

Undefined index: previewIdFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26

or this one: 

Message:Trying to get property of non-objectFile:/public_html/mysite/ow_smarty/template_c/6126f863f18d2a7f456dfff404fcc790b5d7432b.file.attachment.html.phpLine:26

you will need to enable dev mode the refresh the website

Joshua Aug 27 '14
Thank you, Ross.