I have an Oxwall community with a few thousand members but for the last year it has been locked because I can't get rid of bot sign ups. All the anti bot and anti spam don't work.
What I want to do is by pass the oxwall sign up and make my own sign up system and add new people directly to the database.
The way to add a user to the base user table is below. However it doesn't seem to do the full job.
Does anyone know of a mysql query or series of queries which would add a fully formed new person?
It is a shame that Oxwall is effectively unusable because of spam bots.
INSERT INTO `db_xwl2`.`ow_base_user` (
`id` ,
`email` ,
`username` ,
`password` ,
`joinStamp` ,
`activityStamp` ,
`accountType` ,
`emailVerify` ,
NULL , '$email', '$username', '$hash', '1321777145', '1381395603', '290365aadde35a97f11207ca7e4279cc', '1', '0'