I'm running the Classifieds and Extended Events plugins with the Facebook Go theme. I'm trying to
figure out how to add icons next to the new plugin items in the menu. I
notice that for each menu item, the following css references the icon
.ow_main_menu .forum_forum {
background: url(images/main_forum.png)no-repeat 10pxcenter;
.ow_main_menu .forum_forum:hover,
.ow_main_menu .forum_forum.active {
background-image: url(images/main_forum.png)no-repeat 10pxcenter;
I've tried recreating this css for the classes associated with
the new plugin menu items but the image is not showing up. Currently it
is inheriting a main_feault.png image which doesn't even exist.
Are there other changes I need to make to specific files? Of note, I'm
making css changes in the admin panel (not text editor to base.css); the
image is definitely in the right theme image directory (in both
ow_themes and ow_static); I have refreshed the browser a dozen times.
Any advice appreciated.