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Chat contacts not appearing after latest Messages plugin upgrade with 1.7 | Forum

John Peterson
John Peterson Aug 23 '14
I installed a new 1.7 site a couple of days ago and was using the Messages plugin which installs be default. Everything was working fine both email and chat.

Today I installed the latest Messages plugin update. Now only one or two names appear in the Chat contact list in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. The names one or two names appear consistently but vary per user account.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Messages plugin with no change. I also tried friending and un-friending user accounts.

What is the query that selects the list of users to appear in the contact list?
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 24 '14
soon will be new update to fix all that 
ross Team
ross Aug 24 '14
Have you tried to use toggle switch in the left upper corner of the chat?