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Video embed code not allowed... [Answered] | Forum

Hybrid Aug 25 '14
Hey Oxwallers,

I am having some trouble trying to get my video from twitch.tv to work (embed on newsfeed, and on videos page).  For some reason it is not allowing the video to play on the videos page and as for the newsfeed, same issue.

I thought it would be that all I needed to do is add "twitch.tv" to the "Admin/Settings/User Settings/Content Input" area by placing that url in 1 line along with all the others that are default there, but that doesn't seem to work.

Do I need something else?

I know twitch.tv uses the <object> tag as opposed to the <embed> tag, could that be why it isn't working correctly?

Any helpful hints, ideas, suggestions, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 25 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 25 '14
Do you use standard video plugin on your website? 

Because we have tested twitch.tv video embed it does play in the video section and goes to the video section as soon as you hit play of the video in the newsfeed, you can try it on demo. 

Hybrid Aug 25 '14
Thanks for informing me Ross, I completely forgot that I have gvideoviewer plugin on my site where I tested the embed code for twitch.tv.  With that said, there must be something wrong with that plugin that isn't allowing that video to play.  I'll inform the developer of that plugin.

I did test it on my other site where I do not have the gvideoviewer and only have the default video plugin.  There it does work.

Thank you for your time Ross!

ross Team
ross Aug 25 '14
Great, i'm going to mark this post as Answered