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error 500 | Forum

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 26 '14
Wie kann ich einen 500-Fehler wieder her?
ross Team
ross Aug 26 '14
English please
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14

[Wed Aug 27 07:18:00 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/notonlyp/public_html/404.shtml, referer: http://www.notonlyphotos.com/

[Wed Aug 27 07:18:00 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/notonlyp/public_html/e500.php, referer: http://www.notonlyphotos.com/

ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
please enable debug mode, there's 500 error : http://www.notonlyphotos.com/e500.php
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
I do not know how I've never done
ross Team
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
I have to enter the data on the top right?
  Immagine 1.JPG (160Kb)
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
There's a detailed instruction in the tutorial, you should do that in config.php file in ow_includes folder
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
after the folders and ow_core ow_ cron is no folder ow_libraries the caretella ow_include there is no
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
missing this folder and also the install folder
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
how did that happen? what did you do? have you moved your files or what?
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
I have not moved anything it just does not open and nothing inside and wax are tornta back and disappeared
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
Do you have backup?
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
yes . Would you do me a favor Ross within the Cpanel you can control me I'm afraid of making mistakes
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
contact your hosting provider support team to restore your backup
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
do not tell me that I have to do it myself
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
see my reply above
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
I wrote hosting but I'll do it myself I asked him to give me the procedure how to do it.
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Aug 27 '14
php is not in the folder ow_include but it is in the list of root folders and web ow_ and includes' inside the php.
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