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404 Error when updating to 1.7.1 [Solved] | Forum

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Sep 2 '14

OW Debug - Error

Message:Argument 1 passed to gamesplus_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home/myvirgo3/public_html/ow_plugins/gamesplus/init.phpLine:53
---- The above is deactivated, then i refreshed and i got ---

OW Debug - Error

Message:Argument 1 passed to locations_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home/myvirgo3/public_html/ow_plugins/locations/init.phpLine:87

---- The above is deactivated, then i refreshed and i got ---

OW Debug - Error

Message:Argument 1 passed to fanpage_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home/myvirgo3/public_html/ow_plugins/fanpage/init.phpLine:260

---- The above is deactivated, then i refreshed and i got ---

OW Debug - Error

Message:Argument 1 passed to movies_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home/myvirgo3/public_html/ow_plugins/movies/init.phpLine:59

---- Then it worked, so it means all these above plugins have issues ?  ---

ross Team
ross Sep 2 '14
Yes, all of them are incompatible, contact plugin developers
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Sep 2 '14
Thanks Ross
Edgar Sep 2 '14
Edgar Sep 2 '14
Before this, I had disable all third party plugins and also all native Oxwall plugins
ross Team
ross Sep 2 '14
Edgar, as to the first error, it means that your update has not been successfully completed, you will need to restore your backup and do the installation process again. 

As to the last two, you just need to rename ow_logs folder on your server to ow_log and set the permissions to 777 for this folder. 

Edgar Sep 3 '14

Thanks ross. I have an specific configuration, for example language traslation, some images, do you know how I can save?

How I can get my configuration after the instalation again?

The Forum post is edited by Edgar Sep 3 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 3 '14
Well, to save a language translation you need to export this lang

as to the images - please specify to what images you're referring to. 

also to what configuration are you referring to?

Dominick Sep 4 '14
I have the same issues happening caused by search plus during update. Did everything here. Deleted search directories AND database entry, still get the following with all plugins deactivated:

 OW Debug - Warning

Message:Can't generate URI! Route `linkspro` not found!File:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262

OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `games.index` not found!File:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262

OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `note.index` not found!File:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262

OW Debug - WarningMessage:Can't generate URI! Route `search.start` not found!File:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/router.phpLine:262

OW Debug - WarningMessage:call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'SEARCH_CMP_IndexWidgetm' not foundFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_panel.phpLine:67

OW Debug - WarningMessage:call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'SEARCH_CMP_IndexWidget' not foundFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_panel.phpLine:67

OW Debug - WarningMessage:call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'LINKSPRO_CMP_IndexWidget' not foundFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_panel.phpLine:67

OW Debug - WarningMessage:call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'ONLINE_CMP_IndexWidget' not foundFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_panel.phpLine:67

OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:Class SEARCH_CMP_IndexWidget does not existFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.phpLine:207Trace:#0 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(207): ReflectionClass->__construct('SEARCH_CMP_Inde...') #1 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_item.php(92): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->checkComponent('SEARCH_CMP_Inde...') #2 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/drag_and_drop_index.php(107): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropItem->setContentComponentClass('SEARCH_CMP_Inde...') #3 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c/97d21e1582e4f60cb1a96373e4d1b613c57bfbd7.file.drag_and_drop_index.html.php(88): BASE_CMP_DragAndDropIndex->tplComponent(Array, Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #4 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(180): content_540861856816d2_69487593(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) #5 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/view_renderer.php(101): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('/home/nakedgam/...') #6 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(263): OW_ViewRenderer->renderTemplate('/home/nakedgam/...') #7 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/component.php(80): OW_Renderable->render() #8 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/renderable.php(250): OW_Component->render() #9 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/component_panel.php(56): OW_Renderable->render() #10 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/request_handler.php(271): BASE_CTRL_ComponentPanel->render() #11 /home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_core/application.php(327): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #12 /home/nakedgam/public_html/index.php(73): OW_Application->handleRequest() #13 {main}Type:ReflectionException

OW Debug - WarningMessage:file_put_contents(/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_log/error.log) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directoryFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_log_writer.phpLine:61

OW Debug - WarningMessage:chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directoryFile:/home/nakedgam/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_log_writer.phpLine:65

Edgar Sep 4 '14


I'm going to restore the plataform Oxwall.

I was the translation for each plugin of third people, how I can export each translation by plugin?


About my specific configuration, I made some changes on my images by default, ignore it.

ross Team
ross Sep 4 '14
Dominick, I entered your site, no errors. Seems like you have restored your back up. Please follow the steps from this post: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/24133

Edgar, you cannot export translation by plugin in the default software

Edgar Sep 9 '14

Hi ross:

I followed step by step how the post.

Edgar Sep 9 '14
Edgar Sep 9 '14

First I restored my plataform and then I did until the 4 point that indicates Aliia

What else I need to do? because the plataform still throws error

The Forum post is edited by Edgar Sep 9 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
The error means the update has not been successful. Can you please restore your backup again and send me in PM access details for FTP/Cpanel and admin panel of the website? I'll do the update for you. 
Edgar Sep 10 '14

I can give you the FTP like host, port, password but I haven't access to Cpanel because it's only accessed by the Administrator of company and by security policies he can't pass me this information.

There may be other way where Can you help me?

By the way, what is the meaning of PM?

thanks for advance

The Forum post is edited by Edgar Sep 10 '14
Bonnie Jones
Bonnie Jones Sep 10 '14

Quote from Edgar By the way, what is the meaning of PM?

Private Message is PM Edgar.
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
No need to give my your access details, you should do that on your own. 

Here are detailed instructions: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/24133

Kumi Festus
Kumi Festus Sep 11 '14
My site is off again. I can't go to admin area.
Edgar Sep 11 '14

Thank you Bonnie Jonesross I followed 2 times but the action is the same. I can't pass to step 5.

Other thing, The Administrator restored the plataform but we have the next problem.

I followed the steps from Aliia but in the step 2 she says that turn on Maintenance mode.

Right now I can't enter to admin panel.

which do I need to follow for restore this part?

I will send you a PM.

Thanks for advance!!!

The Forum post is edited by Edgar Sep 11 '14
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