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Admin needs to see profile questions. | Forum

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GH Oct 28 '11
Thank you so much for the update! its helped so much!

There is one thing that would help so much. Its really holding us back. 

The admin should be able to see ANYONES's profile.
This is very important to us because, we look at the profile questions to determine whether we approve them to use the site or not.

My guess is that this would be a 10 minute fix for the ox guys.. Just let the admin see anyones profie.. We need to see all profile questions except for the password.

Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 28 '11
This wouldn't be a quick fix plus this is a feature request:


If you need it that bad do some php / mysql into a external page.
GH Oct 28 '11
oh, and I really dont need to edit the info.. just be able to see it all..
It would be easy.. because when the questions are created, it asks you if it can be seen in profiles..
You just need to override those permissions if you are an admin. Not that big of a deal.

Im not strong in PHP.. so writing it woudnt be an option for me. 

Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 28 '11
Well if you aren't strong in PHP then you would know its not a simple "lets allow admin to do this - check box" it would have to be re-coded with a new site wide variable and an if statement to check a person is an admin and if so allow them to view X. But thats just theory they would also have to allow users to either edit or view full account details because a user may move delete the widget with account details. 

Like i said suggest it or vote on it if it has been suggested, i agree that we need this but it isn't something they can just whip up in two minutes for us.
GH Oct 29 '11
Im just looking over the tables.. Its looks like it could be easy. You are right, I dont know for sure , but it would seem easy to me

I write in 3 languages, C, Pascal and Basic.. So its not my first rodeo. Im familiar with the concepts.. 

But the fact remains , that an admin that designs the site, asks the questions, sets the rules for the site..Should be able to see the answers to all the questions. Period.

In looking at the SQL tables.. it seems that the answers arent in plain engish anymore.. they seem to be obfuscated, So Im not sure how hard it would be to write a simple script to output etc..

Any ideas?