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Minor issue with double email confirmation | Forum

Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Aug 28 '14
Somehow users click the confirmation link in a login confirmation email 2 times and 1) email is confirmed but 2) the user get the error message "email is not confirmed, url is not corrected or is outdated ...".

Users are very confused with this message.

It would be nice if the message would be "Email is already confirmed". Especially if you see that user is even logged in.
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14
I'm sorry but we cannot reproduce that. 
Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Sep 1 '14
1) I get this email

2) I click on the link and get logged in

3) I click on the link once more in the same browser and get the error
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14
Well, we can't allow this logic, either the verification link is confirmed or expired. It's not not issue at all. Moreover if you proceed with the site browsing, you still can as you have confirmed your e-mail at first time. 
Maxim Kotov
Maxim Kotov Sep 1 '14
My suggestion: if user is already logged in, not to show him error message. Because it confuses users.