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Google and Facebook Connect Plug-in | Forum

lattinaD Aug 29 '14
I upgrade my oxwall version to 1.7.

After upgrade google and facebook connect (free plug-in) not work.

Are these plug-in not supported in this version?

Den Team
Den Sep 1 '14
Topic was moved from Oxwall Store.
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14

Facebook again changed its API, which is why newly created apps do not work with new API. Our developers are working on that issue. It will be fixed asap. 

As to the google to which plugin are you referring?

lattinaD Sep 1 '14
Yes, I update facebook connect plug-in and work correctly.
Google connect instead does not work properly (http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/94)

ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14
This is a third-party plugin, you will need to contact plugin developer to resolve your issue.