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How does an Admin remove an unwanted member of a group? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
GH Oct 29 '11
Since there is no real restriction on joining groups.. How do I get someone off from the group that shouldnt be there? Is the only way to be removed from a group, to do it yourself? As An Admin/Moderator.. I want to remove others from a group.

Ibrahim Oct 30 '11
you read my mind ...  i was thinking the same ...

there is a simple solution for that ,that should be submitted by Oxwall Supper team , which is ...Allowing the Admins to give "Group Moderator" Privileges to some members and let them moderate the specific group ..also Kick the unwanted ones out . .. i have tried to do that by Rull's  but it doesnt give what we want .

all other forums out there have this option and i cant see why they scipped this option on Oxwall ! !!

this should be a feature on the next release for sure ??
any one out there can help ?

Den Team
Den Oct 31 '11
THis option will be added soon. I hope we will do it with next update :)
Ibrahim Oct 31 '11
Thank you Addenster for the reply :)

Ilja Apr 4 '12
Thanks.. Is this done ?
Antartis Apr 4 '12
I really want to know this too
DeFender Apr 4 '12
hope no :(
Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 6 '12
We're planning to release this enhancement with one of the upcoming builds.