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Photo Album - display all albums | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Den Team
Den Nov 10 '11
Are any other ideas?
Michael Leader
Michael Nov 10 '11
I can see the worth in shortcut menus over each picture, goto pic, goto user, goto album, send user msg.

View latest image/featured/all albums  (possibly make it configurable so the person can pick what to display or have the ability to have more than 1 phot widget on the main page and confugire as suits)

A lightbox that will get the image in the latest image photo stream, display it in a lightbox with navigation to next, previous and goto image page where the next and previous are navigating through the latest image timeline.

Maybe a spinoff but a permission role added that users that particular role is applied to have to get photos approved where other members dont need it.

A restriction on the number uploaded per 24hr period? Stops people loading 100s up at once taking over the latest image feed!

Bulk actions for admin like deleting multiple images.
I think from memory there was a request to reorganise how the site handled the images where they currently are all  dumped in one folder within ow_userfiles and someone wanted them to be better organised into say folders with usernames and album names.  

That's all I can think of now.  I bet you're sorry asking now.

Vicki Nov 10 '11
Michael, what I meant by view ALL albums was to view albums and not individual pictures.

I didn't mean "load every album in existence", I meant to be able to view NOT JUST MY OWN albums but to view everyone's.

I think this is an easy implementation for oxwall. You don't have to change anyone's default setting. As I mentioned earlier:

Admin - Photo - Settings
a radio button option

- (default) display photos
- display albums

Michael Leader
Michael Nov 11 '11
@Vicki, yea s overlayed menu on a member "show Albums" or something...
Also, it would be handy if your site users used pre-defined tags like "November" and a "widget" that displays images by anyone who tagged their image as "November".

There are so many ways to display the data, I am sure it is just oxwall getting the time to do it.
Vicki Nov 11 '11
Addenster, did you receive my clarification to your question?

It is...

I would recommend a radio button selection in the Admin - Photos - Settings screen.

- (default selection) - display as Pictures
- display as Albums
Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
Yes, I received it. And I have more questions about it:
- does it really necessary for users to see all latest photo albums? If user will add one photo to his 100 old photos album, then this album will be displayed in this list. This is not good. If user will be interested with one of the latest photo, he will click on it and will be able to see all photos from liked album. In most cases user rate individual photo not album.
- if there will latest albums page, what photo should be displayed on album's thumbs? 

It seems that user's albums will add more inconvenience. I may suggest to add this proposal to our suggest board with all notes listed above.  
Shelle Nov 14 '11
I think the display latest actually works for my needs.

The one thing I'd actually need is for albums to be reconfigured to work as categories (admin created) which show up on the photo's page. Example: http://scrapmatters.com/gallery3/   >> scroll down the example site page to see categories. 

If I could have an option to chose up to 5 categories and have a default member album for each registered member, that would rock!!

Also, I noticed that once you create an album and upload again, you have to type in your album name again (hoping you remember the exact spelling) instead of having a drop down menu. 
Vicki Nov 14 '11

I think it would work in a similar manner to when a user joins a Group, that group shows on the Newsfeed again showing that a new user has joined the Group. I'm not sure if that example is clear.

But, yes, I would request that the latest Albums be displayed even if a user adds a new photo to an existing album.

How about these scenario? How about having a tab at the top of the Photo page called "Latest Albums"? That way you can still view the "Latest" photos.
Or, how about a tab called "Browse by Albums"?

Here are the current tabs:
[Featured] [Latest] [Top Rated] [Browse by tags]

Scenario 1:
[Featured] [Latest] [Latest Albums] [Top Rated] [Browse by tags]

Scenario 2:
[Featured] [Latest] [Top Rated] [Browse by tags] [Browse Albums]

I agree to only rate photos and not to rate albums.
The Albums already have a thumb displayed.

In any case, I was requesting that the way Oxwall is now is great by default but to allow the Admin to change the Photo page to be able to display Albums instead could be an option for those of us who would prefer to view Albums instead of individual photos.
Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
What are the user's needs to browse photos by albums? Seriously?  It is really difficult to agree with that :)
Shelle Nov 15 '11
@Addenster - Like Vicki - I need to be able to browse photos by albums, too - but I need to be able to set the albums myself - not the users. That way I can set the albums as specific categories.


Admin sets albums as -> Template Challenge
Admin sets albums as -> Speed Scrap
Admin sets albums as -> Designer #1

User receives 1 personal album (designated by username) upon upload of first photo. This album is the default album user uses to upload photos, BUT user has option to chose any other album as well (i.e., Template Challenge, Speed Scrap, Designer #1).

Browsers have ability to scan through any album.

I'm not sure exactly what Vicki's needs are, but this would suit my needs perfectly.

Oh, and have album choices set as drop-down menu and or radio buttons.
Does that help you clarify things??
I REALLY need this functionality. :)
Vicki Nov 15 '11
Addenster, I understand your point of view. For my purpose, it is a desire, not a requirement. I was hoping to have the ability in the future to change the way in which my Photo page is displayed -- to display albums instead of individual pictures.
Den Team
Den Nov 15 '11
This is more like a custom modification or a third party plugin. It is not acceptable for most networks. 

Thank you for understanding. May be in future there will be a third party plugin which add such functional.
The Forum post is edited by Den Nov 15 '11
Hilmar Loland
Hilmar Loland Nov 16 '11
Is it possible to display the latest updated albums instead of the latest uploaded photo in the photo-widget on main-page?
Example: if a user uploads 100 new photos to his album he will "block" others photo uploads from displaying on the main page.
Similar; if you click "photo" in the menu you will only see these 100 pictures first.
Is anybody working on a new plugin or something regarding this issue - I guess I'm not the only one how would like the oxwall software to work like this...
Vicki Nov 16 '11
Hilmar, I agree with you. This is why I requested this enhancement but it seems that the oxwall team does not find it a useful function. I hope they will change their mind.
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 21 '11
We will surely consider about adding functionality you request. Just give us some time.
Preston Jun 22 '13
I am having this problem , I prefer to scan albums ( more interesting) rather than 10,000 images that are boring. and not to mention it takes forever, with view all albums its far more usable.
Chrisstoffer Nightinglam
I have users who would like to surf albums too.

I must admit it is an interesting way of knowing the users. It could be like Hilmer says, recently updated albums

The Forum post is edited by Chrisstoffer Nightinglam Dec 3 '13
Chrisstoffer Nightinglam
maybe a coverart with the latest pics. 
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