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only language key codes visible instead of language values [solved] | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Sep 5 '14

I am hosted by Arvixe and the staff there renamed my plugin folder to "deactivate" all plugins and renamed it again back to the original name.

My site is in French and English. Since that change of the Arvixe staff my site in French now only shows the language key codes - but no values. They told me that they did nothing else then renaming twice the plugin folder...

I hope they can get it sorted out, but maybe you here know more - I don't trust the Arvixe guys to know Oxwall well enough...

- In English my site is ok

- in French I see only language key codes

- in the Admin section though ALL FRENCH language keys are correct! The values are all there. They are just not shown on the actual site.

- I deactivated French and reactivated it - no change!

Does anybody have a clue as to why this could be?

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 7 '14
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Sep 5 '14
I just changed one French language value and saved it - that fixed it all :)
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '14
Great! Thanks for letting us know.