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SMTP cipher change - any idea why | Forum

dave Leader
dave Sep 5 '14

I didnt want to say anything until i had done some research, so for the last week i have been discussing this with cpanel tech.   And we both agree it is script related. 

For some reason my cipher went from TLSv1 to UNKNOWN with Oxwall SMTP.  Below are two email headers one is from 19 June, and the other from 31 Aug. 

The 31 Aug one is version 1.7.1  and im pretty sure the 19 june is prob still 1.6  

This is the only difference i can see in my headers, and as i said the server is sending fine,  emails from server to addresses work fine.   Oxwall to server to addresses does not and shows UNKNOWN. 

esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256)         19 Jun 2014 

esmtpsa (UNKNOWN:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256)    31 Aug 2014

so from inside horde email to any address is 

by xxxx.xxxxxxxx.com with esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256)

So the server is fine.. 

Now to compare another script sending mail such as a phpBB forum, from the forum to the server to email is 

XXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXX.com with esmtpa (Exim 4.82)

And that is normal.. 

So please advise why Oxwall is somehow forming UKNOWN cipher.. 


The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 5 '14
dave Leader
dave Sep 5 '14
So after checking a few things it appears that after 1.6 you changed the authenticate function for smtp drastically.   

The new version uses LOGIN type as the default and i could not even get it to send at all using PLAIN type which is what the phpBB forum uses.  

So that might have something to do with it, if it is not recognizing the type it might just replace it with UNKNOWN...  

please ask the dev team if that is correct?  

Im still digging here. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 5 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 8 '14
Dave, I passed your request to our developers as soon as I get reply, I will get back to you on that matter. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 8 '14
thanks for looking into this dave  is huge problem got me on every banned list in 2 days of updating 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Sep 8 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
what files do i need to change back to 1.6  im getting hammered by every spam list as my site send lots of mail every day 
and to prove is the new 1.7.1 mail system i changed mail send ip and 2 hours on band list again 
please i need fix for this problem
ross Team
ross Sep 12 '14
Tammy we already discussed this, no other community members have been banned, only your website

have you contacted the mail companies to find out the reason and tell that it is actually your website and it is your business and you're not a spammer?

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
yes i have and my other site same thing perfect mail record and i updated it 2 days ago and same thing it on bamnned list everwhere now to 
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
i have every thing set right in my sever and have had perfect mail always inbox first time every time never had a mail returned never been on any ban list but as soon as i go from 1.6  to 1.7.1  all hell broke lose 

none the mail providers will tell me whats wrong just my mail has changed and i need to fix it 

so please can you tell me what files i need to revert back to 1.6 mail 
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
all thay will say is because my mail has problem if i send few each day under 50 will be ok but my site send 300  and more and that why the flags are be raised
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
can you please tell me what files i need to revert back

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
because i have few test accounts going to my domain mail even my own server wont accept mail sent from its self is being blocked by spamassion   
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14

esmtpsa (TLSv1:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256)         19 Jun 2014 

esmtpsa (UNKNOWN:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:256)    31 Aug 2014

the missing TLS    in the top line is the killer

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
google search this

esmtpsa (UNKNOWN

and see all the trouble with it
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
please can you tell me what files to revert 
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
just let me revert them back and try desisting again off every spam filter and see 2 days 

i should start see improvement instead get mail is still stuffed up and server ip will not be removed from our black list 
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
i have reverted back every mail file i can find 

the char set has go back to same in 1.6  is no longer 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii its back to Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "utf-8" but the esmtpsa (UNKNOWN  is still there
where do i revert this back and test mail at http://www.mail-tester.com/ my score was 10/10 the day before update to 1.7 before revert mail files i was down to 0/10 after revert i am 1.2/10 so now il try delist my site my mail will start to get sent
ross Team
ross Sep 12 '14
as soon as I get reply from developers regarding cipher change I'll reply here
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
cool thanks 

one hour from revert all the mail files i can find back to 1.6 and im of 
7  bad mail blacklists
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 12 '14
15 more auto remove my ip 
and i am receiving my own mail now 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Sep 12 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 13 '14
some more problems is the use of the word dear in site mails spam filter block mail containing this word  

also parus reminder notification plugin breaks oxwall mail rules and send reminders to unverified users 
some one else can take this up with him i have tryed for 8 months now on it break the mail laws for not have opt out link 
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