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SMTP cipher change - any idea why | Forum

ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
contact moderation team, please
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 18 '14
any update on fixing this ross
ross Team
ross Oct 1 '14
Turns out it will take more time to investigate the issue as our developers are overwhelmed with the tasks, I'll get back to you on that asap. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 1 '14
Ok thanks
dave Leader
dave Oct 13 '14
UPDATE... i have found that if you use the following formula, at least on my server, that it will work and the header and cipher looks great. 

now understand that i have a ssl on my host name too so you might  not.  So that could be affecting it as well. 

but anyway here is the formula im using now, its working 

mail.domainname.com    587


PW  whatever


and i just tested, cipher works, header info is correct and i get the mail. 

Its kind of a mixture between the two(smtp and phpmail) lol 

tammy harris
tammy harris Oct 14 '14
cool thanks dave that worked for me u rock
dave Leader
dave Oct 14 '14
yw :) glad it worked
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